Friday, February 03, 2006


To Denmark: Way to go Danish people for not being pansies even though people attack your embassies with guns and boycot all your dairy products and legos.

To France: Way to print whatever you damn well please. Usually you are such weenies. Good job. But you lose a few points for firing that editor guy.

To Germany and Spain: way to not be like Americans and fall all over each other to apologize every time you offend a Muslim.

To Christians: good thing we don’t act like this every time someone offends us, or Rolling Stone headquarters would have been burned down when they ran that picture of Kanye West as Christ crucified on the cover.

To America: champion of free speech. Support free speech or shut up. Stop trying to make yourself look good to Muslims. They're not going to like you either way.


At 10:57 PM, Blogger Neemund said...

The Boston Herald ran a piece about how "insensitive" it was to depict the great Prophet Muhammad in a news paper. Same paper a few years ago was telling Christians to "stop whinning" when the National Endowment of the Arts sponsored such pieces as "Piss Christ" and a black Mary heaped in crap. So all Christians have to do is burn embassies, kill people in riots, demand heads of cartoonists, and threaten open war and then major media outlets will demand that non-Christians must be more tolerant to Believers.

Screw it, that's never gonna happen so let us just draw more funny comics and keep these people ticked off till they lose more credibility.


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