Monday, December 19, 2005

The absolute sweetest thing...

Forgive me, Lord, for judging my friend and my brother and those unlovables, some of whom are probably far nearer to the truth of Your salvation than I am.

And especially (right now, anyway) my friend and fellow believer. When I judge him I condemn only myself.

Forgive me for being self-seeking and indulging in unrighteousness and indignation, as if I had some right.

Forgive me for insulting Your forgiveness and not believing in the redeeming power of Your blood over myself or the the people I have the nerve to deny grace to. For thinking I have to redeem myself and judging Your blood worthless. For thinking You cannot redeem them and judging Your blood again worthless.

Because when you pled, “Forgive them, Father, they know not what they do,” over me and over those people I’m tempted to judge in my anger and selfishness … and when You bled over both me and them, You spoke the last word.

Who am I to say that Your blood cannot cover my sin or my friend’s?

How dare I, after You forgave the inexcusable in me, refuse to forgive the slightest offense from my brother? To behave this way is to spit in the face of my King.

Forgive me, Lord. Bring me to a place where I realize how little I am worth and how much Your blood has made me worth. I deserve nothing. You gave me everything. Thank You for Your endless mercy for my wretched, wicked soul.

I believe in the answer to this prayer. I believe that I am not condemned and I thank You with everything in me for seeing and hating my sin, but loving me enough to wash it away. Thank You that it is Your goodness and only Your goodness, not my own, that leads me to repentance.

“Return to your rest, O my soul, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you. For You have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears and my feet from falling.” -- Psalm 116:7, 8.


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