Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Play with lightning bugs

“How many Christians think that in the morning and evening they ought to come into the company of Jesus, and may then give their hearts to the world all the day…” – Spurgeon.

Point that finger right back me-ward.

But a lightning bug has a powder on it that makes it glow when you catch it. And you can’t help but get some of that powder on your fingers or your clothes. It rubs off on you when you touch it, no matter what.

You won’t spend much time with your husband before you begin to pick up some of his mannerisms, his likes and his dislikes. The bride becomes like her groom and the likeness is becoming to her.

These things I do for Caesar should not consume me. Though I must obey Caesar as I would Christ, may my thoughts be on the Holy and the high. May the temporal be the interruption, not the other way around.

So touch lightning bugs all day until you are glowing all over and then do it some more. Even when you have four hours and forty-five minutes left of work…


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