I'm glad I don't have to share my sandwhich with you but I'm not gonna worship you either
Okay so check this out.
A fifteen-year-old in southern Nepal has attracted hordes of worshippers by sitting under a pipal tree fasting. He’s been there for six months.
Now don’t get me wrong. That’s pretty impressive. But seriously.
They’re calling him the new Buddha. This is mainly because the first Buddha achieved his state of enlightenment after meditating under a sacred pipal tree for 49 days.
Ram Bomjon is sitting in the same position and has been there for longer. Also they say he glows. Only in the morning when the sun comes up. In the evening he looks haggard.
So, to honor this new enlightened one, they have built a fence around him. They are planning a second and a third. This is so when he does decide to move, he will not be able to escape. Also so visitors will not come to near him. Even doctors are only allowed within five feet. Vendors are hawking their wares like crazy and the once quiet area has developed a booming economy overnight.
So, you know. All this is fine and good and wonderful. Except for one thing. This kid is being worshipped for doing nothing. Literally nothing. Not eating, not moving, not helping anyone out. His sacrifice benefits only his own soul (if that), yet they crowd around him.
Thanks, but I’ll take a God who heals the sick, dies for the sinner, and delivers the needy when He cries. Who brings peace and joy to MY soul and offers it to yours.
I mean you know if I were out of food, sure it would be handy to hang out with a guy who never needed to eat.
But I worship an active, passionate God who never rests and never fails and never sits still and neither do His prophets.