oh for crying out loud
six comments?
i lost my password guys. sorry. couldn't remember it. stupid google.
alright give me a break this is a weird time.
while you're thinking about that, think about this.
deceptions will abound
'it's plot exposition, it has to go somewhere.'
six comments?
Ok... followed the link to a newsish sort of site in the UK... Not sure which story to look at, but the top one is something about petrol contamination.
I generally agree that there is a ton of deception out there, for sure... Maybe its just that I am getting older, but it seems like the world is more and more in need of Truth...
six comments?
As in "'six comments?' why so few"? Or "'six comments?' these people need to get a life"?
Always glad when someone finds a lost password.
member when.
ka[becky]te had a blog she wrote in?
and it was funny and stuff.
Good freakin times.
I want to remember, but it was so long ago...
I remember when I used to come here every day... And since I always posted anonymously, people wondered if it was me or not...
Oh well... Nothing lasts forever...
You've got six comments on this post as well. Sadly it's now been more than a year since it was written.
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