Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I don't need to be smarter than everyone ... just you

Stuart told me last night that men are obviously superior to women.

I was too impressed by his correct use of the word “superior” to say anything in return. It’s by far the biggest word I’ve ever heard him use in the correct context.

We were watching the final episode of “Battle of the Sexes” in which the girl team lost miserably to the boy team for the thirteenth and final time. The loss was more humiliating in that the last of the girls’ three wins occurred only because the boys strategically threw the game, one of them heroically sacrificing himself for the rest, so as to make sure they would face the weakest girls in the final round.

It’s not the first time this subject has come up. Trisha, one of the only other girls in the building, fresh out of high school and brand new to dealing with Army men, started an argument about whether girls are dumb. She wasn’t trying to prove that we are smarter than men, just equally smart.

Stuart’s argument: I don’t know any girls who can run as fast as I can, or do as many pushups …

Trisha’s argument: Kate, help.

Joe: It’s true, men are stronger than women.

My argument (and sole contribution to the dispute): I thought we were talking about brains. What does how fast you run have to do with your IQ?

Trisha: Oh yeah! We were talking about how women aren’t dumb!

Stuart: Name one female CEO of a billion dollar company. And don’t say Martha Stewart because I hate that b****. Don’t say Oprah either. I hate her.

Finding it difficult to debate that brilliant line of reasoning, I chose to remain an observer for the remainder of the conversation, which lasted only a few more seconds as Trisha conceded – suddenly realizing she was unwise to engage at all - and Stuart gloated.

For the record, Carly Fiorina is considered smart by many of the employees at Hewlett-Packard, of which she is CEO, and Marie Curie discovered radium. I could go on, but it would quickly become boring.

I actually have no problem conceding that men are built differently than women and that the majority of them are stronger and more physically capable. There are women out there who could run Stuart into the ground, but my self esteem doesn’t suffer from not being one of them. (Although when I do compete with men, I practically kill myself to keep up. I admit, like many female soldiers, I often feel I have to prove myself).

I also have difficulty taking offense to his statement that I’m dumb. This is mostly because any quarrel can be quickly ended when I use a word he doesn’t understand, and not wanting to give away his ignorance, he lets his eyes glaze over for a second, then leaves the room or changes the subject.

Stuart: Kate, you’re an idiot.

Kate: Stuart, why all this animosity between us? Why this angst?

Stuart: Hey does anyone want pizza?

I almost feel bad. It’s like making fun of handicapped people. But I must defend myself.

Let me make myself clear. I am not saying that I or women in general, are smarter than men. I think some men are brilliant. I am simply saying that I and women in general, are smarter than Stuart.

Also, based on the class of women I personally know him to spend time with I can hardly blame him for thinking little of the fairer sex. When I drove one of said women home from the bar one night, I wanted to jump out the window after five minutes.

Anyway, this all goes back to my point about feminism, from a few months ago. We should not be trying to prove that we are equal to men in all ways by trying to become them. We should celebrate our differences.

For instance I daily celebrate the difference between my intellect and Stuart’s.

Seriously though, I’m not trying to be snobbish. I like Stuart. If he were smarter it would be difficult to like him, but something about the depth of his stupidity makes him lovable. He’s like a big dumb monkey.

There, I’ve defended myself.


At 11:14 AM, Blogger The Shadow Walker said...

First of all, for the record, just so everyone knows...Guys and Girls are...DIFFERENT!

There. I said it. Now, as soon as you all recover from your heart attack or stroke or whatever, read along.

I don't really care whether or not a guy or girl does a particular job (with a few notable exceptions that no sane person would object to...if you know what I mean) so long as they are qualified. If a particular woman can fix a computer, the piping in a house, or kill terrorists better than a particular guy, that's okay with me.
If a particular guy can cook better, teach better, or kill terrorists better than a particular girl, so be it.
What I have problems with is some idiots' idea of equality, forcing people to dislevel the playing field in an attempt to 'diversify' the 'workforce'. Diversity is a load of crap for people who hate specialization. People should do what they are good at. If they aren't good at anything, than they should learn to be good at something.

And if a guy is mocking a girl that he's strong...so what? It's generally the case. Guys are stronger; it's genetics. Just like girls are generally more tolerent of pain. Or are naturally better shots with a gun; it's how their skeleton is put together.
Girls are more emotional because they have more cross-over points in their brain.
Guys are able to focus more because they can shut out and compartmentalize their emotions because of the way their brain is put together.
It's fact; it's God designed. Deal with it.
As for diversity? Screw it. Celebrate Excellence.

At 1:06 PM, Blogger Matt said...

Men (in general) are obviously superior to women….at least in some things, just as women (in general) are superior in others.

Guys are built better both physically and psychologically for fighting. Girls are built better at raising children. This may sound politically incorrect but really, which is the nobler job?

At 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fnord, you forgot about the women doing the laundry, the ironing, the house cleaning, the shopping...

And, you missed a few God given rights, like sports on TV, napping, going out with 'the boys', and her complete submission and total adoration.

Perhaps in your relationship this is all so obvious that you took it all for granted...

At 8:12 PM, Blogger The Shadow Walker said...


At 10:06 AM, Blogger Kate Robinson said...

I may be in the Army, but I know my role!
Sunday I missed an entire quarter of the New England/Pittsburgh game to go buy pizza for the guys (including Stuart) cook it, and wash the dishes. It's like being married to 15 Homer Simpsons.
Don't let this get out. The feminists will find me ...

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Matt said...

Sorry for not being clear. What I meant to say is women are better at raising children. They are usually more patient with "accidents", spills and all the other minor irritations that come with little kids. I'm not a parent yet(and won't be for probably another ten years) but I can see the differences in the way Dad and I interact with the my little siblings and the way Mom and my sisters do the same.

They're just better at it.

On the other hand when the SWAT teams and the crackhouse next door are looking like they're about to have a rumble, it isn't mom and the girls that stay up to keep an eye on things. (Yes, the SWAT team really has been out to the neigbor's. Not to mention all the shootings, burglaries, etc. that occur on a regular basis in our neigborhood.)

At 10:26 AM, Blogger Kate Robinson said...

I'd move.
Or join the SWAT team.


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