If Jesus moved here for a week...
If Jesus - the Jesus of the Bible - moved to your city for a week, would your city change?
Of course it would, and drastically so. Why? Because Jesus does not have a passive religion. He would be out healing the sick, casting out demons, raising the dead - the types of things you can't do without radically changing the city in which you do it.
So why aren't we doing these same things? Aren't we supposed to BE Jesus to the people in our cities? Doesn't the spirit that lives in Him live in us also?
In the book of John, Jesus said that those who believe in Him would do his work and even greater things than he did. GREATER than raising the dead? Hey. He said it not me.
But we're not doing greater, or even equal works. Our feeble attempts at evangelism pale in comparison. So what does this mean? It means we are an unbelieving people. If we believed - no, I mean if we REALLY believed - stuff would be happening. We would be doing Christ's work in the world. Because people ALWAYS act on what they believe. And lack of action speaks as much about what you believe as your action does.
But there's hope. The man with the demon-possessed son cried, "I believe!" and in the same breath "Help me overcome my unbelief!"
So we should be praying the same way. Almighty God, we believe. But Jesus, help us overcome our unbelief!
Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit and He is faithful. He empowered us to do his work and greater things still. If we would only sacrifice our earthly dignity on the altar of our King, we would begin to do unbelievable things out of the abundance of our belief.
Jesus I believe! Help me overcome my unbelief and be Jesus to Carson City!