Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Katespeaks, just not as often as she'd like to

My dear faithful readers (all eight of you), I'm sorry about the lack of articles this week.

I'm working really hard to get new furniture in our dayroom at the barracks, but due to lack of funding and a first sergeant (that means "guy in charge of me") whose memory can only reach about five minutes into the past, it's been frustrating and time consuming.

Also, I'm working on filing a claim with Veteran's Affairs, to get a disability rating.

So don't give up on me. I can't update the blog every day, but I'll do my best to stay on top of things.

In the mean time, here's a few things to think on.

Fidel Castro - that damn communist - said President Bush is "deranged."

Looking at Bush during his inauguration Jan. 20, Castro said he saw "the face of a deranged person."

Castro also says that Cuba doesn't need the U.S. or Europe. He called his country "heaven, in the spiritual sense of the word," which I can only take to mean that when we die, we will be going to Cuba (if we're good), and that Cubans would rather die in Heaven than survive in hell. Odd, since Heaven, in the spiritual sense of the word, is not somewhere one can die, as far as I know.

Anyway, he said when we attack, (which we've repeatedly denied having any intention of doing), we would do well to use 50 nuclear bombs. That seems excessive to me. 40 would do the trick.


At 3:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm going to assume that the "when we attack" was in reference to us invading Cuba. Please correct me if I'm wrong. That's pretty funny though. One nuke is a bad day, ten nukes will ruin your economy, twenty nukes is horrible, and forty nukes would be really bad. Especially for an island country. Just drop them towards the center of the country. If the actual explosion doesn't kill off the country, all the waste will.

Anyways... your forgiven for your lack of articles. While I love to read them and miss your writing when you don't post regularly, I recognize that you have a life besides writing on your blog. Hope things get better for you!

At 4:57 PM, Blogger Dave said...

That stumble recently must have made Fidel nuttier than he already was. First, if Cuba is "heaven" then why do so many people die and risk death of their entire families each year? Remember Elian Gonzoles? I believe his mother died in the raft trip to Miami. And of course our incompetent DOJ and executive branch at that time kidnapped young Gonzales at gunpoint and forced him to go back to heaven. Second, with regards to attacking Cuba, someone must have slipped something into his cigars.

No appologies required ;-)


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