Thursday, November 09, 2006

learning to focus

i've been thinking. it seems to me that when you're with a group of people... maybe not every group of people you're with, but at least the one you spend the most time with... there is one person.

let me clarify. you could absolutely love everyone in that group. but there's usually one person who, for whatever reason, you hold in higher esteem. [that's not expressed quite right. bear with me]. there's one person who's attention you want. not necessarily on an active, conscious level, but that thing is there nonetheless.

whether it's because of where your relationship with that person is for the moment, or just that you admire him or her so much - his or her opinion is important to you. [for the sake of me not having to say "him or her" anymore we'll just go with "him." try and follow].

and throughout your interactions with that group, you're not necessarily trying to have his constant attention but you're pleased when you get it. when you say that thing that makes him turn his head and smile directly at you or makes him laugh out loud. and you'd almost be willing to alienate every other member of the group [people you love] just to do or say something that will please him. it's peer pressure at its purest. to share an inside joke with him. i'm not even talking about romantic love here. this could be a close friend, a pastor, a teacher... but everytime you say just that thing and he laughs out loud, it's like a reward to you. and it doesn't matter whether anyone else even got the joke.

does this make sense? it's not an unhealthy thing. it's just the natural desire to be noticed by someone you admire or want to be close to.

so i've been thinking.

what if [no matter what group of people i was with at the moment]... what if,
Jesus, that person was always you?


At 10:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I actually stopped what I was doing so I could think about this for a few minutes. I wish I thought of stuff like this more often.


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