good thing He's sovereign, eh?
so i was reading this in the “news” this morning.
and i started to get all irritated and all these things rose up in me that i wanted to say… but you know what? It doesn’t even matter. bottom line. it doesn’t matter.
the only thing that matters is Jesus.
and He is completely capable of communicating Himself.
I appreciate your take on this issue. Our God is bigger than this, and although my rancor at such perversion and misleading ideology, is born of the spirit, my desire to help God by sharpening my skills as a debater is born of me. He doesn't need my help. His word, coupled with the power of the Holy Spirit, is sufficient to convince anyone of the truth. The days are coming, or perhaps are here, when false teachers will abound. I will not "turn aside to a fable."
right? that's what i'm learning these days. this is all a fulfillment of prophecy. and my sovereign God is bigger than little debates and things like this will not shake my belief in Him. my flesh wants to throw back all these arguments. but Jesus didn't argue people into submission and He didn't beg them to follow. He said "follow me" and He kept walking.
only the Holy Spirit can argue effectively enough to convince a soul oh His realness. and my own words come down to nothing but flesh-born contention. sound and fury, signifying nothing.
the most powerful argument i can think of is to worship God in my every action and not get caught up in doctrinal split hairs.
1 Peter 2:15 reads, "For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men - "
But John also encourages us to test these lies against truth. This whole gospel of Judas thing could be a great opportunity to have the four gospels beat the snot out of the one little whippersnapper and glorify God through it.
I'm not gonna get tore up about it but I am not going to hold my tongue either.
The rocket surgeon is right about that. I wasn't suggesting that we retire from the battlefield. For whatever reason, God has chosen to work through us to accomplish his will. So we have an obligation... no that's not right... it is our privilege... no still not right. You get the idea. We should counter lies with truth, and speak in obedience to what the Lord would have us say, but success can only be achieved when we recognize that it is not us and our powers of persuasion that carry the day, but the ability of the Holy Spirit to convict someone of the truth, of their need for a savior, and who that savior is. I am uncomfortable with apologetics because I find those arguments so compelling that I abandon scripture in my discourse with unbelievers in favor of human logic. Apolegetics, at best, serve to illustrate and support scripture. I have a tendency (it is a weakness within me) to try and act as God's advocate rather than his servant. I make myself the crafter of an argument and a message rather than the bearer of the Lord's words. This is a sinful tendency, and the Lord is not pleased with it. I am just saying that when I read something like this article I find myself automatically formulating arguments and seeking to discredit the article through reason rather than scripture.
that's all i was saying as well. i'm not saying we should sit by silent and see our Lord blasphemed. not by any means. all i'm saying is that we get so educated and full of knowledge combined with offense that we lose sight of who HE is. if HE is your focus, you words will carry weight. but we forget about pleasing Him and obeying Him because we are too blinded by our own valiant defense of our dogma. just be in love with truth. and go from there. that's what i want.
Dr Kurasha from Houghton never let me get away with my sophistry and was blunt enough to suggest it harmed my ministry to disbelievers.
Yeah. We're called to be obedient, not to be successful (necessarily)
Loved Kurasha. I think I'll Google him.
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