Thursday, July 07, 2005

Yay God!

Okay so I KNOW I haven’t been here for a while.

My sincerest apologies. Who knew (you know … other than me) that when I got back home I would be so BUSY?

I haven’t written or played guitar in ages. Between work and doing stuff with the church and getting to see everybody that I’ve missed out on seeing for the last five years, I barely sleep. So if you were wondering where I am, now you know.

But praise God, you know?

I am, as a wise woman pointed out to me the other night, exactly where God wants me to be and His purposes are fulfilled in me every day. What more could I ask for?

The last few weeks have been just amazing as I seek God and try to get closer and try to balance a suddenly insane schedule with a suddenly intense desire to spend time in prayer in study.

I can’t even describe it. It’s been phenomenal. What an awesome God we have!
So I’ll see y’all later, as they say in the south. I’ll try to be more consistent.


At 1:54 PM, Blogger Matt said...

I know about busy...

Driver's ed, work, night school, recently working at the fireworks stand etc.

My blog has suffered lately as well. Anyhow good luck and I hope to see you writing more.

At 9:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally understand. At the end of my day, when I climb into bed, I marvel at how fast the day sped by.
Being a HOMEMAKER and MOTHER to two kids and an 11 month old tot (caps denote GENERIC STATEMENT; I actually act in many other capacities that in the real working world would bring in a 3 figure salary), fills my day so completely that my personal life and social life take the back burner. I keep refreshed with worship and celebration music as I drive around town, doing the never-ending errands, but The Word, though I love it and crave it, doesn't get read. (NO flak, please--I neglect to drink water, even though I'm thirsty, and I forget to go to the bathroom, until it's nearly too late--THAT'S how frightfully busy and preoccupied I am).
So, Kate dear, you have my sympathy. But it is a delight to have you HOME, and see the wonderful growth happening in you. You have blossomed and your countenance just glows. I remember where you were this time last year and having you alive and well, totally healed, well...PRAISE GOD, wholly and completely for His hand upon your life, for all that He has done, is doing, and will do.
Bless you, Kate Robinson :)

At 11:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


So good to see you are posting again. I check your sight regularly to see if there's anything new. I hope you are happy in your new job. I so enjoyed getting to visit with you. Please send me your new e-mail address so we can stay in touch.

Love you

At 2:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I miss your sardonic humor terribly. Please find time to post, even if it means skipping lunch at your new job!



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