Thursday, May 26, 2005

No longer a journalist

I am writing this (much awaited, no doubt) column or whatever you want to call it on my lunch break. That's right, folks, I got a job.

No longer a soldier, no longer a journalist, I am now ... wait for it ... a marketing coordinator for a real estate company.

As stuffy and corporate as that may sound, believe me it is. No, I'm just kidding. It's basically a glorified ad designer, and even though I have to dress up for work now (no combat boots - it's in the regulation) I like designing ads. It's fun.

I work a half-hour drive away from home, but it's a lovely (horrifyingly dangerous) drive up to Lake Tahoe.

Meanwhile I live with a whole crowd of folks - my sister, brother-in-law, nephew, niece and random friend - in a little two-bedroom house, but it's not that bad ... usually.

There was this incident the other night. In my sleep I reached for my teddy bear (so what? shut up) and thought I found it. Turns out it was my friends (we share a really, really large bed, just until my sister and her family move out in a few months).

I woke up just in time to see her leaning over me, teeth bared, snatching it away. For a minute I didn't realize what was happening. What a jerk, I thought to myself. What kind of person would steal a teddy bear? That's so mean.

But as soon as I saw that it was hers, I laughed ... which only served to make her angrier. What a jerk, she thought to herself. What kind of person would steal a teddy bear and then laugh about it. Sicko.

Don't worry, though, we got it all worked out in the morning.

So nice talkin' to you all again, and see you soon.

Oh, did you want something biting, funny and political? Sorry. Check out Ann Coulter's column on Bill Moyers.


At 8:38 PM, Blogger Matt said...

Hurray! I got to read and post a comment before anyone else.

I know how it feels to live in a cramped envirnment. I live in a 2 bedroom house with 7 other people and a loud, obnoxious beagle.

As for being an add designer, that does sound kind of fun.

At 11:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Curse you, Rabenstrange! You beat me!

I realize you've just started your job but I have a few questions. What exactly do you do? As a glorified ad designer do you spend all day working on ads or do you have other stuff that you do as well?

I'm trying to see how that job would be a full-time job but I'm failing. Unless of course it was for a big company who has an aggressive marketing campaign.

Anways... welcome back!

At 4:45 PM, Blogger Kate Robinson said...

Well, TBQElite, I thought the same thing at first. But it turns out it's definitely full time. I design ads, flyers, brochures, business cards, postcards, etc. I also do billing. But the company has a whole lot of agents and each has their own personal marketing campaign. Also we run different ads for different properties in dozens of different magazines and newspapers.

At 8:04 PM, Blogger The Shadow Walker said...

Oh yeah!?! Well I beat both of you! I don't have real room in a house that's miles from anywhere with NO INTERNET!!! On top of that, my alcove is right before the bathroom, so everyone has to walk past me to get to it, and they all like to talk to me while I'm working on my Über Secret Project!

Anyways...congrats on your job, Kate. Since you'll be designing stuff, will you be using Photoshop or a similar piece of software, or what?

At 2:50 PM, Blogger Kate Robinson said...

I use photoshop and Quark Xpress, the same desktop publishing program most newspapers use for layout and design.

At 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kate, you are a big poopie head. Pardon my French. I see you nearly every day and you didn't bother to tell me you were back on the blog? That's... that's... well that's just wrong. Just for that, I hope you break out in some kind of rash. (Hehe.)

At 5:52 PM, Blogger Neemund said...

Hmm...I thought I posted on this a while ago, oh well I can do it again. Welcome back to the world of computers and posting. I look forward to reading your non-journalist posts now that you are a civilian and employed in the private sector.


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