Monday, May 15, 2006

do we know how to have a good time or what?

i know what you are all thinking. you are all thinking, "how can i ever do something as intelligent AND fun as this? how did these people get so dang cool?"

well i am here to help. all you need for a rousing game of carpet joust and/or carpet limbo is some foam noodles, a few assorted items from the dollar toy rack at target, a large stretch of carpet, and most importantly, friction-free carpet-slider strap-on shoes, also available at target.

so stop being so jealous.


At 10:47 PM, Blogger barefootkangaroo said...

Is this a strange sort of fight club? I know... The first rule is blah blah blah. I'm cool though. You can tell me.

At 8:28 AM, Blogger Kate Robinson said...

the unfortunate thing that we've discovered, josh, is that there is absolutely no way to describe this game and make it sound anything but super lame. you will just have to trust me that it is super hilarious instead.

At 11:23 AM, Blogger barefootkangaroo said...

I accept that explanation.

At 11:36 AM, Blogger Kate Robinson said...

thank you.

At 7:28 PM, Blogger Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

I enjoy inventing games as much as the next guy...

but I require a little bit more of an explanation...

The girl with the green ..."paddle"? What is going on there?!?!

At 5:37 PM, Blogger Kate Robinson said...

job, i have no idea what's happening in that photo. all i know is that i laugh every time i see it. don't assume that just because i was there and i took the photo that i can in any way explain it.


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