Monday, February 27, 2006

sometimes you just have to go on a mini-road trip

like amy and patty and i did on saturday. i love being young and single.

we flipped a coin and headed south on 88. we thought maybe we'd go to sacramento but we ended up in this little town called pine grove where we walked around and just talked to people.

we visited a church and had huge burgers and met a lady named gay with a bird who talked to us. the bird that is. and the lady. they both talked to us.

we turned on mount zion road and it took us to this incredible lovely wilderness where we wandered around and took pictures.

it was simple and didn't take that long but we had so much fun.

we made snow angels. we prayed and worshipped and just hung out with each other and Jesus and it was beautiful. just to get away. awesome.


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